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Vite, Rollup, PWA and Workbox cookbook

In this page we're going to explain how vite-plugin-pwa build the service worker.

You can download Excalidraw source diagram for the SVG images and open it in Excalidraw website.

Vite Build CLI

Vite build CLIVite build API prepare build - load configuration and prepare environment - prepare plugins: merge internal and user plugins (Vite will apply a small sorting algorithm)1 Rollup, build the project using this configuration - Vite creates the custom Rollup configuration3 all closeBundle hooks in build plugins have been called and awaited: - call closeBundle in vite-plugin-pwa:build plugin - TIP: if you have build plugins with enforce post and closeBundle hook using object notation, move them before vite-plugin-pwa plugin - TIP: check Rollup Build Hooks5Rollup build end9Call buildEnd hook in all build plugins7 apply build pipeline, Rollup will: - call resolve and load assets plugin hooks - call transform assets plugin hooks - call transformIndexHtml plugin hooks - call other hooks... - TIP: check Rollup Output Generation Hooks4 vite-plugin-pwa:build plugin - Rollup, try to put this plugin last in the pipeline and await all build plugins to finish before calling my closeBundle hook2 vite-plugin-pwa:build plugin - transformIndexHtml hook via Rollup api context: - inject web manifest - inject registerSW script if required - generateBundle hook via Rollup api context: - create and emit registerSW script if required vite-plugin-pwa:info plugin: - resolve and load virtual:pwa-info when required vite-plugin-pwa:main plugin: - resolve and load any virtual module when required: - virtual:pwa-register - virtual:pwa-register/<fw>4' call closeBundle in vite-plugin-pwa:build plugin6 call buildEnd in vite-plugin-pwa:build hook - if any error in buildEnd hook rethow it810 copy public/ folder content to dist/ folder

Vite config file

Plugin 1Plugin 2Plugin NVite internal plugins{Vite has its own internal plugins:- css, json, assets, import.meta, web worker... Generation Hooks Build HooksVite config file{vite-plugin-pwa- main plugin- info plugin- build pluginUser pluginsmain:- load, prepare and resolve pwa plugin options- prepare and expose Rollup api context- resolve and load virtual modulesinfo: virtual:pwa-info- expose pwa info using Rollup api contextbuild:- inject web manifest in html entry point- build service worker in closeBundle hookPlugin 1Plugin 2Plugin Npluginsother options: css, json, build, ssr, rollup, env, worker...

closeBundle hook

injectManifest strategy?injectionPoint?selfDestroying SW?YesYesYesNoNo6.3 prepare custom Vite configuration for custom sw build: - add custom plugins from injectManifestRollupOptions - exclude vite-plugin-pwa plugin if present - configure Vite to avoid cleaning and copying public folder in the custom service worker build - include process.env with NODE_ENV using mode in define options (workbox modules will use it) - configure Vite to use only inline configuration (configFile: false) - configure rollup entry to use "es" (or "iife") format to build the sw inlining dependencies6.4 the service worker is in the dist/ folder6.1generate selfDestroying SW in dist/ folder6.3 call Vite build API with custom configuration - Vite build API will apply same steps calling Rollup - since the vite-plugin-pwa plugin is not present, steps 6 and 8 will not be applied6.6call injectManifest in workbox-build module- injectionPoint refers to self.__WB_MANIFEST and it is about precaching assets when the service worker is installing- at this point, Vite still hasn't copied public/ folder files to the dist/ folder, we only have there the assets and the html entry points (when using only Vite, no meta frameworks)- since pwa icons (web manifest icons , screenshots) and favicons are on public folder, workbox will not find them in the dist/ folder, and so will be missing in the service worker precache manifest- to include pwa icons and another assets in public/ folder, vite-plugin-pwa will add them via additionalManifestEntries, calculating the hash using the files from the public/ folder: will add the corresponding url and hash as revision per asset- to specify what assets should be included, you can use includeManifestIcons and includeAssets pwa plugin options call generateSW in workbox-build module- workbox will include all required workbox plugins to build the sw- the plugins will depend on your pwa options and runtimeConfig in workbox option, for example, if you're including a runtimeCaching plugin using NetWorkFirst strategy, workbox will include the corresponding module- the workbox plugins will be included in a new assets called workbox-<hash>.js 6.5EndNocloseBundle hook (vite-plugin-pwa:build plugin)6

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